“Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother, and medium. There is no life without water.”
–Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Water is responsible for life on earth. To elevate the quality of life and to meet our basic needs, we must work toward sustainable water management.
IDCA supports activities and projects to enhance efficient use of water. It supports non-government organizations engaged in developing water management resources in different regions of the world.
Besides scarcity of potable water at domestic front, IDCA also addresses other important water issues in agricultural, environmental, and industries.
What is the need of water management?
Water affects every aspect of life. IDCA supports NGOs and social entrepreneurs that work toward securing water supplies for sanitation and manage wastewater in homes and community. In a country like India, water management is hampered by social, governance, technical, and environmental factors.
IDCA is committed to support organizations for formulating long-term strategy and systematic change to meet water-related global challenges.
What activities do these organizations conduct for water management?
The collaborating partners of IDCA work toward improving the availability and quality of water. Together with villagers, these organizations install storage tanks, bio-sand filters, rooftop rainwater harvesting systems, and stand posts with water taps in homes, schools and community places to provide easy access to clean water. In addition, our partners also work to augment groundwater levels and effective wastewater disposal. Villagers are trained to manage and conserve water. On-field activities include disseminating knowledge on water security, water quality, participatory groundwater management, sanitation,and urban initiatives.
How does IDCA support?
IDCA provides an unmatched platform for the promotion of ideas of sustainable social initiatives at regional and national level. We provide networking opportunities to our partners, leading to their greater visibility, access to finance, credibility, partnerships, media attention, and policy changes.
We set strategic direction for organizations and offer best practices through sharing and collaboration, workforce development, engaging them through forums and networking with multiple stakeholders. IDCA provides an access to knowledge through sharing and mentor programs
Our associates have undertaken several projects in water harvesting, check dams, drinking water. etc.
- Water and Sanitation Project In Duppada Village near Vizayanagram, Serving a community of 400 untoucahables. Built 2 Blocks of consisting of ten each for male and female bathrooms and latrines. Also installed a RO plant for drinking water . The RO plant has extra capacity so that they can sale water and get some revenues to support this project and other activities. Total Cost: $45,000. Funded by community contributions and matching grants by Naperville Rotary Club and Rotary International. Dr. Prakasam Tata, president, Bhartheeya Theertha, Naperville, IL
- Institute of Rural Research and Development (www.irrad.org) has many check dams in the villages of Haryana to improve water supply and quality. They have received National Water awards for it from GOI.
- Our members did a study of Vapi Industrial area Waste Water Treatment plant and made major recommendations for its improvements Team: Porus Dadabhoy, Usman Baki, Prakasam Tata
- Earlier this January a water expert from IRRAD visited Soda Village to survey the water bodies and recommended solutions tto the young Panchayat head, to improve water quality, following our International Conference in Jaipur on Janaury 11-12, 2012.
- Our members supported Water Pressures film project by Dr. Ann Feldman, president of Artistic Circles, Winnetka, IL in 2010-11. This project took the team to Rajasthan, where they filmed the water access issues. Students from NorthWestern University participated in the project.
- Organized several Water Forums on World Water Day
- Organized a 2-day Water Summit in Chicago in 2006
- Filmed Amritam Jalam documentary based on the water bodies revival campaign in Rajasthan by the local Newspaper Rajasthan Patrika in the Summer of 2005.

“Let new India arise-let her arise out of the peasants’ cottage, grasping the plough; out of the huts of fisherman,the cobbler, and the sweeper. Let her spring from the grocer’s shop,from the oven of the fritter-seller.” – Swami Vivekananda