The number one benefit of technology is that it lets people do what they want to do. It lets people
be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they did not they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential-
– Steve Balmer
All the basic societal infrastructures require qualitative improvement, especially in rural India.As technological providence does not require huge infrastructural improvements, it is rather easy to initiate technological improvement in rural India and in deprived and poor sections of urban India. The poor Indian population is still absorbed in gaining access to basic amenities of life like food water and shelter. Providing them with knowledge regarding latest technological breakthroughs and helping them to acquire new technological skills are some of the initiatives that IDCA has taken in this sector. IDCA is networked and aided by its partner social entrepreneurs who do the real technological information decimation work.
IDCA aims to develop new technological skills in the semi-skilled and unskilled labor section.Our partner social entrepreneurs employ learned and professional manpower to raise the standards of technological skills in raw Indian manpower. Our frequent learning sessions enable our NGO partners to know about the latest technological breakthrough that happen throughout the world. Our technological are so designed that even laymen can also easily understand the technological and IT terms and be a valuable asset in teaching the lesser developed sections of Indian society.
IDCA provides the technical support in various ways to the partner organizations. The technological solutions provided by IDCA help the organizations to plan and implement their activities in more way that is efficient. IDCA associates can expect its technological support in various areas like education, healthcare, IT support and more. Following are a few instances of tech support by IDCA.
- IDCA strives to provide hi-tech infrastructure to organization working in health sector.It helps in procuring advanced healthcare machines, equipments, ambulances and more.
- IDCA believes technology can do wonders in disseminating education in various sections of society. To achieve it, they provide various hi-tech gadgets required suitable for this sector.
- IDCA organizes weekly and monthly technological seminars, webinars, learning sessions, etc. to partners. IDCA works with its NGO partners to develop IT skills in less developed communities who do not have necessary resources of obtaining them.
- The Agriculture sector is in dire need of advanced technology, but social organization often lack resources. IDCA plays an important role here and provides the required tech support.
- IDCA is also providing support for acquiring energy from renewable sources. It helps setting solar power plants and bioenergy plants.
- IDCA provides cheap and refurbished computers to NGOs. It also provides NGOs with donated software and other IT tools.
- IDCA connects NGOs volunteers and workers to technology professionals so that the NGOs can develop skill and knowledge in their workers and volunteers.
- IDCA is developing a network of telecenters and IT centers where the NGOs can participate. The IT programs would provide information and knowledge to deprived communities.
IDCA aims to build a fully functional and state-of-the-art technological ecosystem where NGOs can improve or attain IT skills and knowledge and carry it to the improvised sections of the
In 2009 IDCA raised funds for a Solar Lantren project to be implemented in villagesof Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh where Deendayal Research Institute has been working since early 1990’s. These funds were leveraged by Dr. Prakasam Tata through Rotary Clubs of Naperville and Rotary International Foundation. Mr. Jiwan Praksh Sondhi contacted TERI in New Delhi and was able to further leverage 3:1 so as to cover total of 44 villages and provide solar lantrens to about 60 destitue families each. We also had funding from our Member India Development Service for one village which was leveraged to 4 villages. A presentation depicting the project implementation is provided at the link below.
- IDCA Solar Project Chitrakoot-Presentation

“Let new India arise-let her arise out of the peasants’ cottage, grasping the plough; out of the huts of fisherman,the cobbler, and the sweeper. Let her spring from the grocer’s shop,from the oven of the fritter-seller.” – Swami Vivekananda